The new arhar [Cajanus cajan] cv. Manak, developed from a cross between T21 and UPAS 120, matures earlier than the parents, which enables the succeeding wheat crop to be sown in time on irrigated soils in NW India. Manak outyielded UPAS 120 by 19.5 and 14.9% in trials in Haryana in 1979-84 and in the NPW zone in 1981-83, resp., and by 7.6% in farmers’ fields in Haryana in 1982-84.
The Manak Arhar variety, however, requires only 120 – 130 days for maturity and can be sown in late June or early July and cultivated in October or November. Duration similar to Pusa Arhar – 16.
Chandrabhan Inwati –