Brown Wheat Seeds | Pure Unnat PBW 343 Wheat Seeds Gehu Ka Bheej | 10 KG

Original price was: ₹1,950.00.Current price is: ₹1,390.00.

  • The colors of both of them are large, attractive and shiny.
  • It is tolerant to rust and gerua.
  • It will reduce unit costs for farmers as well as return higher yield than normal varieties.
  • Estimated yield is 55-60 quintals per hectare.


(PBW-343) Wheat SeedsPlant height is 100-110 cm. Earheads are white in colour. Suited for cultivation in the northern plains of Punjab, Western U. P. , Uttarakhand and irrigated plains of Haryana. Crop is ready for harvest in approx 130-135 days from timely sowing.