What Is Black Wheat? We may normally use white wheat for daily routine, but black wheat is much healthier as compared to white wheat. Black wheat has many health benefits and has many important nutrients and eating it also increases the body’s immunity. Black wheat contains antioxidants, B vitamins, folic acid, selenium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, calcium, iron, copper, potassium, fiber and amino acids, which make this wheat rich in nutrients. Properties of Black Wheat Initially let us go through the properties of brown wheat. The meaning of this shloka goes as– Qualities of wheat (Godhuma) are –sweet in taste, cold in potency, heavy to digest, subsides Vata- Kapha dosha, increases strength, improves the quality of sperms, unites fractured bones, rejuvenates the whole body, enhances complexion, increases appetite, provides firmness to the body.
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