Homemade Organic Apple Murabba with “Raw Forest Honey” | Apple Murabba 5 KG Pack

Original price was: ₹3,400.00.Current price is: ₹2,180.00.

  • Maintains acid balance in the body and control blood pressure in our body
  • General health tonic, protect from bone diseases, like bone inflammation, Reduces Tooth Decay
  • Apple murabba seed less and maximum quality product, we use Kashmiri apples
  • Boost Immunity


Sakshi Farms apple murabba contains only natural apples from Kashmir and natural honey. It contains no artificial flavor. Apple murabba is sweet in flavor and very much beneficial for our health. Protects you against heart diseases, Low in calories, which helps in losing weight.

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‎5 Kilograms


‎Sakshi Farms


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