A2 Cultured Ghee, Desi Cow Pure Desi Ghee made from non homogenized milk from our own cows which are free grazed on our farm, the cows bask in the sunshine while free grazing and exercise for 5 hrs, after the calf has had her/his due the milk is removed by hand then boiled over fire wood then inoculated with curds to make whole curds, the curds is then churned to get butter which is melted on fire wood in a brass container to give you pure desi cow ghee, this is the only ghee which melts below human body temperature, contains no harmful cholesterol and is one of the best known medicines as per Ayurveda science and know to cure many chronic diseases and improve immune and strength. Sakshi Farms ayurvedic ghee is made from fermented butter churned out of yogurt or curd/Cultured Ghee. Scientific fact – This is the only Ghee that melts Below Human Body Temperature, it melts at 36 degrees and human body temp is 36.1 degrees whereas all other ghees melt at 40 degrees. The Ghee has been tested by Delhi Analytical Research Laboratory for all Nutritional facts and for Additives and Preservatives and found to be completely Additives and Preservatives Free. We share this report with all customers in the form of a report number which can be viewed online on the label. 100% Additives FREE, 100% Preservative FREE, 100% No Added Colours. India’s Best Desi Cow Cultured Ghee
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